EVA Pay is a mobile payment method that allows customers to pay the total amount of an order using their own devices. This is done by scanning a QR-code on the Checkout app.

Step 1

Tap to finish your basket

Tap the blue button to go to the checkout.

Step 1

Tap to finish your basket

Tap the blue button to proceed to checkout.

Step 2

Choose payment method

Choose the payment method ‘EVA Pay QR’ and tap ‘Confirm’.

Step 3

Present the 
QR-code to the customer

Let the customer scan the QR-code.

Step 4

Pay online

The payment is done online.

Step 2

Choose payment method

Choose the payment method ‘EVA Pay QR’ and tap ‘Confirm’.

Step 3

Present the QR-code to the customer

Let the customer scan the QR-code.

Step 4

Pay online

The payment is done online.

Other payment methods

Other payment methods